Monday, November 26, 2012

The Secret Program to make my computer talk !!

Hello my blog readers,
How are you all. It is winter in Kolkata now. I was in my Laptop yesterday night and was feeling so lazy. I was thinking what if my computer speaks for me. Huh!! I searched in net and got many costly software that can do my job. Then I thought why not make some cool program that will translate my text to voice and free. Here is my codes, enjoy your free tools of voice converter.

1:- Open your Notepad and just copy and paste the following code. You can use any other text editing tool for this. Just make sure that your codes are written in proper order.

Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What your computer will speak?","Free Text To Voice Converter")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message

2:- Ohhh you just did the toughest part. Now save the notepad file with the name Voice_Translator.vbs on Desktop. Make sure that your file extension is ".vbs". Default extension of Notepad in ".txt" change it to ".vbs". 

3:- We are ready to run our awesome tool and impress our friends. Just ouble click on "Voice_Translator.vbs" file type your text in the box and then click ok and computer speak now.

Have Fun and stay tune with my blog, more fun tricks will come soon. :)


i have viewed. thanks for your sharing..

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You are genius,i followed you and named the file "bar code.vbs",it's cool.

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