Friday, November 11, 2011

How to generate armstrong number with in a range

How to generate armstrong number with in a range
void main(){
    int num,r,sum,temp;
    int min,max;

    printf("Enter the left range: ");

    printf("Enter the right range: ");

    printf("Armstrong numbers in given range are: ");
         sum = 0;

             printf("%d ",num);


I also find an example of source code of generate armstrong numbers :
Armstrong number in c: This program prints armstrong number. In our program we ask the user to enter a number and then we use a loop from one to the entered number and check if it is an armstrong number and if it is then the number is printed on the screen. Remember a number is armstrong if the sum of cubes of individual digits of a number is equal to the number itself. For example 371 is an armstrong number as 33 + 73 + 13 = 371. Some other armstrong numbers are 0, 1, 153, 370, 407.
C programming code


int main()
int r;
long number = 0, c, sum = 0, temp;

printf("Enter an integer upto which you want to find armstrong numbers\n");

printf("Following armstrong numbers are found from 1 to %ld\n",number);

for( c = 1 ; c <= number ; c++ )
temp = c;
while( temp != 0 )
r = temp%10;
sum = sum + r*r*r;
temp = temp/10;
if ( c == sum )
printf("%ld\n", c);
sum = 0;

return 0;

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