Monday, October 4, 2010

BOT made of Batch file

Hello to all. This simple Batch file you can use as a talking BOT. Here is the code.
@echo off
echo Hello friend. I am your talking robot. Press F6 and enter after each input. J
echo What is your name?
copy con temp
echo Hello
type temp

echo How old are you?
copy con temp
echo ok. you are
type temp
echo years

echo Bunny is my best friend. Who is your?
copy con temp
echo I also like to meet
type temp

echo bye now. See you later. :)
del temp
As you can see the I have stored each input given by the user in a file. We are using Dos, press F6 and enter then the file will be saved. Now using the type command you can process the input given by the user. You can use as many as options and questionnaires  in this bot. Enjoy all.
This program can interact with the user. It will give answer to your question. Also will ask user different question.


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